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Volumetric filling and packaging machine atl-33
ATL-30 liquid filling and packaging machine
atl-29 rotary nut roasters
Pallet chips frying line 500 k/h atl-28
Pallet chips frying line 250 k/h atl-27
300 kg popcorn production line – atl-26
Popcorn production line (popcorn) ATL-25
Stuffed corn chips production line ATL-24
Stuffed corn chips production line equipped with an ATL-23 grill oven
Rotary roasted corn chips production line ATL-22
Corn chips production line atl-21
Corn chips production line equipped with a three-layer oven ATL-20
Double corn chips production line atl-19
Corn chips extruder ATL-18
Jumbo extruder atl-17
Volumetric filling and packaging machine
Volumetric filling and packaging machine (corn chips)
Spiral filling and packaging machine
Weighing filling and packaging machine – 14 weighing pans
Weighing filling and packaging machine – 4 weighing pans
Pellet chips frying line 250 k/h with three ATL-9 weighing filling machines
Pellet chips frying line, 500 kg/h, with four ATL-8 weighing filling machines
Corn chips production line stuffed with chocolate 150 kg/hour with three volumetric filling machines ATL-7
Popcorn production line, 70 kg/hour, with two volumetric filling machines
Corn chips production line 350-400 k/h with five ATL-5 volumetric filling machines
Corn chips production line 150-200 k/h equipped with a three-layer oven and ATL-4 volumetric filling machines
Corn chips production line 150-200 kg/hour with two ATL-3 volumetric filling machines
Corn chips production line 400 k/h equipped with a three-layer oven and weighing filling machines ATL-2
Atl-1 corn chips production line 150-200 k/h with three weighing filling machines